Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekend Madness

The weekend was busy with a capital B. First up was our homeschool group's Culture Fair on Friday night. Each kid chose a culture or time in history and made a presentation on the subject. We learned about the Holocaust, Ireland, England, cowboys, Nigeria and New Zealand. The great thing about our group is that the kids are all different ages. There were kindergartners, all the way to middle school. It was fun!

Saturday was the annual Women's Fair. I had a booth again this year. It's my biggest advertising of the year, but it's hard to say how successful it was. Attendance was down because of the weather (gorgeous!). In a few months, I'll be able to judge whether or not I have a new set of clients from the fair. The fair is a long day. It starts at 9 am, and goes until 5 pm. I work alone, and so most of the day is spent standing around, chatting with people as the pass by and trying to look interesting.

The evening was spent with Rich, who took me out for my birthday. Yay! I can't believe I'm 27...that's very close to 30. Eep.

The problem with our town is that there really isn't much to do for fun. Our dates are pretty predictable - we go out to eat, drive around trying to figure out what to do next, then go shopping at Walmart. Call me picky, but I just didn't want to do that on my birthday. We ended up visiting with some friends we hadn't seen in months. She'd just made brownies, so double score!

Sunday - Mother's Day! I got spoiled with bacon and eggs breakfast, annuals to plant in my garden and lots of hugs and kisses. We spent the entire day visiting our moms, and came home exhausted and ready for bed!

Next weekend, we're doing nothing. And that's cool, too.

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