Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Drumroll, Please!

I've been lazy with my blog, I know. I'm sorry.

Can I make it up to you? It's confession time!

Richard and I are pleased to announce that we're having another baby! These last couple months have been extremely taxing on me. I've been napping every day, hitting the sack by 9 pm, crying at those stupid security company commercials, and fighting (and sometimes losing) all-day morning sickness. Thankfully, we're wrapping up the first trimester this week, and it should (please, please, please) get better. Baby should make his/her appearance in August.

We're very excited! Now, not only will we be adding another little blessing to our family, but we'll be able to split the 12 packs of Popsicles evenly between the members of our household. You can't beat that!

1 comment:

cuddles said...

Emilie! Congratulations!! I just happened to pop by before going to bed (I've been very neglectful of my blog reading in 2010!) I'm so happy for you! Being able to split the packs of Popsicles is definitely very important! LOL! Congrats again!