Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baby Update

Well, I'm all's things, my things and the birth supplies are all ready to go for when this baby finally decides to show up. I had my 37 week prenatal yesterday, and we got to hear a good strong heartbeat (about 135 bpm), the baby has wiggled back into an ROA position (on my right side, head down, facing in - yay!), and all systems go from here. The baby is way, way, way down low, which is a bit unusual for a 4th pregnancy. Babies don't normally drop before labour, but normal isn't really my forté. Obviously, this one must feel a need to get ready ahead of time. I'm hoping it means a shorter labour and less pushing for this time.

So now we wait.


Unknown said...

...And we LOVE waiting!! LOL...Good luck on your coming birth adventure!!

Pamela said...

You are so close now! Thanks for sharing your updates, I can't wait to hear about your new little one. I am wishing calm, positive birthing vibes to you. (And also wishing I lived close enough to go to your Birth Talk meetings!)
