Sex. If you just blushed and glanced really quick over your shoulder to make sure no one sees you read this entry, then this post is for you! Hey, look! Is that your mom that just walked into the room?
Just kidding!
Seriously, though, I came across
this article on the Focus on the Family website. It's good. It's really, really good. As I was reading it, I kept thinking, "Oh, but they forgot this..." and then, there it was in the next paragraph.
To sum it up - talk about sex with your kids. Really. It's important. The fact of the matter is that sex is going to happen, is happening right now, and you need to address it. Don't wait for the teenage years. Your 12 year old boy that you think is too young to have "the talk"? He's thinking about it right now. And now. A-a-and now.
Your 6 year old? She's got older cousins, or friends her age who (think) they know about sex. They're not censoring on her behalf. She's going to remember when they refer to her body parts as (and you can fill in the blank here, because I don't want to use slang and attract the wrong crowd to my blog by search engine).
Okay, so maybe you're homeschooling. Maybe you don't have TV. Maybe you only choose really, really good friends for your kids (?!). Still, not a good excuse. Where is sex? Sears catalog (true story), grocery check-out, pregnant auntie, farms, radio, next table over at McDonalds, the Bible (whoa, what? Yup, read it.) etc., etc., etc.
I don't agree with having "the Talk". I think it should be more like "the Dialogue". Sex education shouldn't be a class, or a program to be taken over a semester. It starts at the first diaper change, continues at toddler bath time, preschool curiosity, grade school thirst for knowledge and on through the teenage angst. Teach your kids through your actions & words right from the beginning. Use real words. No one would refer to a nose as a "sniff-sniff". Don't refer to a penis as a "wee-wee". If your 4 year old asks you how babies come out, don't brush him off. If he's old enough to think up a question, he's old enough for a simple, age-appropriate answer. Stammering and blushing and avoiding the subject will only teach him that sex is shameful and embarrassing.
The fact of the matter is that God made people. After that, he left it up to them to make other people. God didn't address Adam and Eve with, "Go forth and, you know, like, um, uh..." God made sex. God made it enjoyable. He attached responsibilities and guidelines to it. It's our job as parents to make sure our kids understand those responsibilities.
the article. It's good. It's really, really good.